“No to Plastic Bags!” was a project intending to encourage the community to eliminate the usage of plastic bags.
Using plastic bags is tied to our daily habits. Wherever we go for shopping, we are offered plastic bags and most of us are comfortable using them, while the effects of plastic bags on environment are quite devastating. They get into the soil and release chemicals which eventually end up in our food or animals’ food. Also it takes years and years for them to decompose, as we all may know. So eliminating plastic bags can be considered as an important step towards having a healthier and better environment.
In our project, we exchanged a lot of information about the harms of plastic bags and how scary the whole idea of using them can be. We had a workshop on how easily we can make a fabric, reusable bag and personalize it with our own logo on it, just for a little more fun.
The project was open to neighbours from different backgrounds and most importantly established a strong sense of belonging to the environment that belongs to all of us.
We appreciate The Vancouver Foundation for all they do to keep the community motivated, creative, and with a strong sense of belonging. Thank You.

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