Post A Letter Social Activity Club (Pal-Sac) is a volunteer-run event open to everyone. We promote letter writing as a generator of love, surprises, anticipation, relaxation and fun!
2016 was the 3rd year we hosted a booth at Car Free Day on Commercial Drive. At our booth, neighbours partaking in the festival could sit down and write a letter to whoever they like. We provide all materials necessary to write a letter – pens, stationery, stamps, and ideas on how to write a letter.
I was inspired to lead this project because I moved to Vancouver away from many family and friends in Toronto. By hosting this event, I have been able to connect with loved ones far away, while making connections with people here in Vancouver. I have learned that letter writing is not for everyone, but it is a powerful connector for those who enjoy it.
Car Free Day is a busy and largely commercial event. Pal-Sac provided a space that was totally free where people could sit down, write letters, and talk to others also writing letters. We also took the opportunity to invite people to our monthly meet-ups at Our Town Cafe – the 3rd Monday of each month (see for updates).
We are so grateful for NSG’s support over the past few years. Pal-Sac can now sustain itself to offer community activities monthly and at Car Free Day in the coming years.

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