The event itself it went great! I was able to partner up with another local to organize, advertise and implement the day. We were able to get a good cross-section of the people from Fauquier, Burton, Edgewood and the surrounding area out to this event, with approximately 60+ people in attendance. We were able to support local vendors by purchasing their extra vegetable and perennial starts they had left over after the first markets. All the feedback from everyone was overwhelmingly positive 🙂

One of the biggest struggles that I faced was knowing how much to allocate to the vendors, as they had no idea what items they would had remaining. It involved some last minute purchases, which ended up leading my portion of the funds allocated for organizing and working the event being spent on others. It wasn’t that big a deal, but it meant I ended up having to pay out of pocket for gas, time, etc.

In the future, I would have stuck to my original budget for all the vendors and spent any extra on raffle items. I am definitely hoping to find a way to do this type of event again next year!

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