3 like minded friends and neighbours got together with 3 goals in mind.
• Firstly we set out to increase awareness of the importance of pollinators. In doing so we distributed information and held neighbourhood information sessions
• Secondly we encouraged our neighbours to plant new or enhance established gardens using native and pollinator friendly plantings.
– Thirdly we had been feeling the isolation caused by Covid and had the need to connect again with neighbours and community. This project was a source of interaction and friendly communal support, assistance and dialogue as we worked on our gardens. It brought us together on our streets and in our gardens
Having the grant money enabled us to for pay for printing costs for the invitations to our information and sharing launch as well as educational material for distribution. Also we purchased soil and plants to share which was a definite draw..
The Puntledge neighbourhood has benefitted from your grant and we hope that as a result community members will be more aware of the need for pollinators and healthy gardens and have more interaction with neighbours.
Thank you for the opportunity.