I received $200 NSG for a clean-up party in the River District on June 8th, 9:30-11:30.  I had contacted the City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Clean Up Party and was loaned Grabbers, bags and gloves for the event, which were dropped off at my home the day before without any cost.  As I wanted to have a raffle, I also brought 6 Grabbers to give away.  My husband helped me with the poster and Wesgroup and the River District online newsletter helped advertise the event.  Starbucks gave me an excellent deal on coffee, hot water, and supplies, and Save On Foods gave me a $25 gift certificate to buy snacks.  I had 4 people sign up ahead of time.  The weather was perfect.  In all, I had 12 people attend the event ( I had hoped for 20), but everyone, including some young children, was very happy to participate.  8 large bags of garbage were gathered, which I consider a great success.  Several people stopped by and asked when the next event was going to be so that they could join in. Having this event yearly at least would be well received. Those who ‘won’ the grabbers were happy with their gift. I had overestimated on the snacks, some of which I will donate to South Vancouver Neighbourhood House.  Advertising the event was a bit of a challenge for me as I am not very good on Social Media; one man gave me his contact number as he is in a WhatsApp chat group with 4 of the main condo buildings in the RD, so that would be a great resource number in the future.  I got a very heartwarming hug from a 5 year old after the event. Definitely another Clean Up person in the making!!

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