We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Neighbourhood Small Grants for funding our ‘Science & Smoothie’ Day! In addition, we are truly grateful that Nanaimo Science and Grassroots were able to support our event. Thanks to these contributions we were able to create a very fun experience for children in our community.

A group of 25 multi-aged homeschooled children were able to participate in Nanaimo Science’s “Science on the Move” program and enjoy local fruit smoothies as they built and fostered connections with each other. Prior to the event, each child was able to select their preferred flavour of smoothie, similar to the experience of “pizza day” in school.

The day of the event began with Nanaimo Science presenting on the snow/water cycle and snowflake formation. The facilitators used a mirror and a couple of active matching games to emphasize snowflake symmetry. The kids then created their own snowflakes and tested them in the provided wind tunnel.

Afterward, Nanaimo Science brought out a variety of supplies for the group to create their own objects to theorize, test, and modify in the wind tunnels. Elements of gravity, static electricity, and aerodynamics were briefly mentioned. The group came together with fresh smoothies from Grassroots Cafe and continued building friendships as they played outdoors with games of tag and capture the flag.

The participants were able to expand their scientific knowledge, enjoy local treats together, and create memories and friendships. It was a very successful day, and we are so grateful to Neighbourhood Small Grants for believing in our vision and supporting its execution.

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