I was able to have two Inclusive events in my community.
People with IDD and people from our community meaningfully worked together. They got to know each other better and shared their knowledge with each other.

The first event was bocce with seniors in June. My friends from Special Olympics came out and showed our community and our seniors how to play bocce. We had a great afternoon together.
One of our churches allowed us to use their field and gave us access to their washrooms.
After we enjoyed coffee and tea and goodies together (bought from the grant money).
The second event was the unified art workshop. The poster is below.I used the grant money to pay for the instructor, supplies and some refreshments.
The instructor also put in some in kind time, our art gallery gave us a space for free to have the
We had 25 people at the bocce event and 13 at the art event. All ages an abilities were participating.
We are also sharing the art with the community during an art show.
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