STRAWBERRY SOCIAL  took place on June 23, 2018.
Admiral’s Walk has 130 units housing approximately 200 adults 19 years and older. The majority of the residents being over 50 with a number of older women living alone.
Fortunately we have and underutilized indoor space that is ideal for socializing. Our goal is to introduce a few simple social functions such as Afternoon Teas and Soup Nights to provide residents with an opportunity to connect. We would also like to attract the younger residents who have not been attending any social functions with the aim of getting people to know one another and build a sense of community. An additional hope is that this will lead to better awareness of one’s neighbours and greater safety for everyone.
The Social was successful although it was a lot of work baking and cleaning.The cost of the food and baked goods was more than expected partly because some of it was bought due to lack of volunteers. Hopefully people will catch on to the idea of bringing something and helping with the organizing.
More people attended than I initially thought would but as predicted the majority were older adults.
The two young piano players from the Richmond Music School were both accomplished and adorable. They make the event.
We are hoping to continue with some games nights in the Fall. Organize more volunteers to assist with the baking and division of things to be done.
Possibly make use of Seniors week and ask younger neighbors to cater for Seniors at the Social.

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