Project Day
I did my project, Summer Art Jam, on September 9th at Sunset Plaza on 48th and Fraser. The event was well received, with more than 30 participants, including families with kids, adults, and seniors. It was a beautiful day with sunny weather and a gentle breeze, and the plaza was a great place because there were picnic tables and benches with umbrellas to provide seating and shade. For every participant, there was a range of canvases and wooden crafts to choose from. They could then use the paint and brushes provided to draw or decorate their crafts while enjoying snacks and fruits. It was truly lovely to see the children running around, having snacks and making art while the adults were connecting with one another or enjoying a relaxing time of creative expression. I was so glad when the attendees shared how thankful they were for the event. One mom, who was a newcomer to Canada and the South Vancouver neighbourhood, said she learnt about this event on social media when she was trying to get to know others in the area. She was very happy that she could join this workshop with her daughter and get connected to the community through it. There was even a passer-by who stopped to thank me for hosting a community event like this. My heart was so full!

My original plan was to do an indoor art event at South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, but knowing that we have a new side street plaza on 48th and Fraser, I decided to move the event outdoors so participants can enjoy the summer sunshine while expressing their creativity through art. Trying to maximize the space available, I also got picnic blankets for people to sit on. It was a good decision as the participants really appreciated the opportunity to spend a sunny afternoon in this beautiful public space.

In my project proposal, I aimed to have 11-20 participants, but I got over 30 registrations at the end. I went a little over budget while buying refreshments and art supplies, but it was worth it to see all those smiling faces!

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