We started off our Carnival with a decorated scooter, walker & bicycle contest. We then moved inside to begin our carnival games. We had a cornhole game, slingshot game, ping pong game, ring toss game & a knock the cans over game.  The winners received tickets for our final prize draws. We also started a scavenger hunt and a “guess how many marshmallows were in the jar” and “how many candies were in the jar” contest.  By lunch time we had almost 65 residents in attendance. The hotdogs were flying off the grill.  Potato salad, coleslaw, bags of chips, pop, water, and coffee were enjoyed by all. Ice cream time was a big hit too.  Some local music makers began to play and soon everyone was toe-tapping and singing along. We finished up the carnival with a 5-game progressive Bingo game. The draw prizes were drawn and then we were done. Everyone had a great time, the carnival was a great success. As we are a senior affordable housing complex, this little snapshot of an actual carnival touched many of our seniors. Some of them had not been to a carnival in many many years. Thanks to the Neighborhood Grant we received we were able to host this event and our Social Committee thanks you so very much.

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