TRE® is a relatively unknown modality in the East Kootenay area. I decided to use the kind NSG grant to offer a free introductory workshop to First Responders in my area. In my capacity as a TRE® Provider (TRE in East Kootenays).
I advertised the event by directly approaching some of the organisations in Kimberley, including RCMP, Fire, Search and Rescue, Ambulance Services. This was done via phone calls, emails with flyers and face-to-face meetings.  
Kimberley Ambulance Services responded very positively and so I was delighted to arrange this workshop. This took place on Thursday 18 July 2024. There were 7 participants (6 from Ambulance Services and 1 from Search and Rescue) and the Kimberley Elks Lodge venue was a perfect venue, providing privacy and welcome air conditioning in the ongoing heat wave. 

During the initial introductions, I acknowledged the NSG grant which enabled me to offer the workshop, all were very appreciative of this. No-one in the group had tried TRE® before and most admitted that they decided to attend as they were curious to find out more. They wished to discover how TRE® may assist them to manage stress in their own lives, and explore whether it may be something which they can suggest to help people that they encounter, many of whom suffer the effects of stress and traumatic events. 
At the workshop, participants were given a brief overview of TRE® to enhance their understanding of how this modality fits into a trauma informed approach to manage the effects of stress and trauma in a healthy, non-invasive manner. 
Everyone was guided through the basic exercises followed by an approximate 15-minute tremor session. During the tremor session, guidance was given regarding safely regulating the process and the kind of things to be aware of following a TRE® session, and how to manage this. 
At the end of the session, I mentioned that it will be possible to offer some follow-up sessions to those interested in using TRE® as part of their trauma ‘toolkit’. This is because Elks Lodge has made the decision to extend the grant offer and make the venue available for further sessions. The follow-ups will take place in the Fall. 
Once again, thank you to NSG for making it possible for me to offer this event to my community in Kimberley. 

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