My neighbour Lisa and I wanted to create a event that would attract a wide range of people, and have interactive activities that would appeal to all ages. Our neighbourhood is a bit spread out and many people have never met their neighbours.
We learned how to make simple but tasty chocolate balls with freshly toasted nuts, coconut and real chocolate. We also learned how to propagate lavender plants.
We had a good turnout of all ages and neighbours were happy with the activities. Many that attended had never met previously. It was a great opportunity for neighbours to connect and share stories, get to know one another, and many shared their contact information with others.
It was so successful, we held another event in October were we had a potluck, showed how to make a pumpkin pie from scratch and homemade tortillas. We now have another event planned for the neighbourhood on November 30th!
Our goal to connect with our neighbours and start new friendships was successful. We are grateful to the Vancouver Foundation and the Small Neighbourhood Grant Program for making this happen.
Evonne and Lisa