Traditionally, the Neighbourhood Small Grants have allowed us to hold Block Parties in the summer. While it’s wonderful to meet and spend time with neighbours when the weather is nice, it’s a long time between summer parties. This year we decided to hold a 2024 Winter Celebration. The aim was to tackle social isolation felt by the seniors in the neighbourhood, by arranging carolling visits and dropping off gift parcels. This would have allowed for two occasions to spend time with neighbours: preparing the parcels, and carolling/delivery.
Originally, the event was scheduled for December 21st (preparation) and December 22nd (carolling/delivery); unfortunately, due to some nasty (and infectious) illnesses…things did not go according to plan. Though it was the season of giving, this did not extend to passing on ailments to our most cherished and vulnerable neighbours. As such, the caroling was sadly cancelled. The remaining (relatively) healthy personnel was split into two teams: parcel preparation and parcel delivery.
Instead of December 21st, the preparation phase took place over several evenings (16 December – 20 December); similarly, instead of 22 December, the hale and hearty volunteers delivered the parcels between 20 December – 29 December, and spent some time chatting with the seniors. Some seniors had specific requests (decaffeinated tea, poinsettia) while the majority were undecided, but all were delighted both with the gifts and especially the company.
In retrospect, though the intention was excellent, the execution fell disappointingly short. As illness is always more prevalent in the colder months, it is doubtful whether the logistics can be overcome to ensure more successful results in the future. Despite the outcome, we are grateful to Neighbourhood Small Grants both for allowing us the opportunity to try, and for the brief respite from the social isolation our seniors experience during winter.