It was the first block party within this area of the community and there was lots of effort to advertise the event on foot, creating posters, finding music & food. Conducting a block party by yourself is hard work and I’m glad to say that some effort paid-off with the support of a handful of neighbours who also wanted this initiative to proceed, mostly I’m new to meet. Street Permit was accomplished without difficulty, but I was unaware that parking restrictions weren’t included. This meant that I had to encourage my neighbours to move their vehicle for the block party without any real authority to get them to move. Gladly nearly 100% of vehicles were out by 2pm. Trying for a large turn-out, as the community has several apartment buildings, we had lots of food and hot dogs ready to grill. Except, the turn-out was under 50 until 9pm. Perhaps my direct neighbours were not fully supportive, as only 5 people within my building turned-out, the others were from next-door and across the street. Of the people that did attend, they enjoyed meeting & talking to neighbours, playing some games & trivia for prizes, and enjoyed free food & candy. I’m very glad with the results as they created something special within the community. It was neat to meet my neighbours and witnessing my neighbours getting together for this one-of-a-kind event. I’d really like to increase the turn-out, volunteers, and participation in the future.
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