The  medical pants workshop was a big success. I was extremely pleased with the turn out and the level of participation. 

We had 34 people attend and the room was full to bursting.  There were a few teenagers, many women, a few couples and a few individual men. 

I had prepared note taking sheets and pens and pencils and everyone took notes. There were many questions and discussions. People were were interested and engaged.

Philomena talked about her extensive experience and background and explained a lot about how to harvest at first. There are very important details for harvesting. 

She had chosen two plants to discuss in detail: Yarrow and Red Willow. They have multiple uses and are abundant in our area. Also, they are easily recognized. 

She told us how and where to find them, what parts to be used, how to prepare them (in more than one way), what to use them for, how to use them and how to store them. 

She proved to be an excellent speaker and teacher. Many people stayed and spoke with her afterwards.  We offered coffee, iced tea and baked goods for a light snack at the End.

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