We planned a movie night for the children in our neighborhood. We decided on 2 age groups so we could choose an age appropriate movie. We chose some yummy snacks (popcorn, chips, candy) and fun non-food items (pencils, erasers, stickers, notebooks, squishies, toy helipcopers etc.) for the concession. Each child who came got a little bag with ‘pirate money’. That pirate money was used to ‘purchase’ items from the concession. This helped the children choose carefully and ensure there was enough for everyone. There was an intermission with pizza and some parents volunteered to stay and monitor.

We rented out a room in a local community center and brought our own equipment for the show.

It was a lot of fun!

The 1st movie for the younger group had a great attendance. The older group was not as well attended. If I were to do this again, I will find better ways to advertise to the youth (older group). Perhaps through the local high school and other youth night groups around our neighbourhood.

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