Please note: The NSG application system will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable January 17-18. Read more here:

We had so much fun! This year was the 2nd Alley Oop! and I’m so very happy that we organized the event for this year. Our grant was absolutely perfect, going toward all things community BBQ!

This being the 2nd Alley Oop! We had people who came last year who very much looked forward to the event, people who used to live in the neighbourhood that popped by to visit, and best of all, brand new neighbours!

The weather was fantastic, and the vibe was relaxed and joyful. People put so much care into the potluck dishes they brought, and everyone was content and full by the time the evening was over. Even the pets lined up for this event!

Thank you, Neighbourhood Small Grants, for all that you do! In the wake of Covid, this type of initiative is vital as it re-orientates us to remembering what community can look like, can feel like.

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