By popular opinion, this was a BIG SUCCESS!  And partly due to the extra cash from the Neighborhood Small Grant given to us.  This was our 9th Annual July 1 Garage Band Music night @ the Okanagan/Snowberry Breeze complex in Vernon. Using three people to actually COUNT the number of folks in the audience, we ascertained the number was right around 100. The weather was perfect. The music was great. There was plenty of popcorn & refreshments. The extra canopy tents and flags provided a ‘carnival atmosphere’. I’d say this was our best show yet.

Although we were resourceful in obtaining a bigger P.A. system, a couple of tent/canopies, a novel popcorn machine/cart, some attractive signs etc., the grant money definitely helped us. There were five musicians who received honorariums of $25 this year.

I think we fulfilled the objectives for the grant, in that this affair provided a function that brought many people out to enjoy, we shared some fun, some learning, gave others an opportunity to showcase their talents, and brought our neighborhoods together for a night that comes just once a year!  This is what we have strived for over the past nine years!  It’s why we do this show.

Thank you once again for your assistance in putting this together.  It is much appreciated.

Project Leader: Barry Meek

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