Our story begins in early June when volunteers delivered flyers to all the homes in our neighbourhood (80+) informing them of the upcoming Block Party in July. From that, other community members volunteered to help with party set up, buying supplies etc. On Wednesday, July 5th, the Candlewood/Craigflower Drive/Francis Road neighbourhood got together for our 8th annual Block Party.

Each year we incorporate a Block Watch/Crime Prevention theme to our party and invite the RCMP to attend and give a presentation on a particular topic and then mingle among us and interact with everyone.

This year our theme was “Are You Aware – Personal and Neighbourhood Safety Tips”. Sgt. Roy Wong, who has attended several of our events, gave a well received presentation. Following his presentation, he had handouts for the attendees as well as lots of kid-friendly stickers, pencils etc.
We then enjoyed a barbeque featuring Bratwurst sausages, salads, chips, fruit and cold beverages provided by funding from the Neighbourhood Small Grant. After several hours of chatting with new and old neighbours, the party concluded with many helping hands cleaning up.

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