I applied for a small grant. What I did for my small grant was give my neighbours a home-made card and flowers to brighten their day and to put a smile on their face.

Price Mart generously donated the flowers to me, and I wrapped them up so I could deliver them to my neighbours along with the homemade cards. Together we delivered 31 bouquets of flowers and cards to my neighbours. My mom and dad went along with me to deliver the flowers to my neighbours’ houses.
When I delivered the flowers and the home-made card to my neighbours it made me feel good because one person was crying in happy tears, and I am sure that it made everyone feel good to receive this nice gesture.

It is something nice to connect us to your neighbours during COVID. Thank you to the Neighborhood Small Grant for providing me with the opportunity to do this. The next day I got two thank you cards form my neighbours it made me feel very happy and proud of myself knowing that it did brighten their day and put a smile on their face.
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