On October 14 of 2019, Thanksgiving Day, we hosted our Richmond NSG event “CommuniTEA Time” at City Centre Community Centre, between 1pm to 3pm. Participants settled into small table groups to allow more personal conversations between people and were also encouraged to move around the groups to meet and talk with as many people as possible. Drawing inspiration from On the Table BC, the goal of this event is to bring people together as a community to discuss what is important for them in a safe and open environment. The conversations centered around experiences of living in Richmond and participating in the community.
Dedicated participants made and prepared food to share with everyone, or had brought tea to complement the food, making this a truly enjoyable and successful tea-time event for everyone present. While conversation flash cards were prepared to aid in generating dialogue, most tables were able to start their own topics of discussion without it. At the end of the event, a couple participants were even eager to exchange contact information with one another to carry on the conversation, or perhaps to start new friendships!
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