Our Cooking Around the World event took place on Tuesday August 20th from 6 – 8pm in the kitchen of Emmanuel Christian Community in Steveston. In attendance were a mix of Canadians, immigrants and refugees from many countries of the world (at least 15 countries were represented.) It was a relaxed and fun evening where everyone met new people and shared stories and recipes.
We started with trivia questions about each country; then we heard the immigration story; then we saw the food demo and ate the food.
1. The country trivia questions focussed on facts from each of the three countries to match the feature recipes (Afghanistan, Finland, Germany). Each table had to agree on their guesses and it was an honour system to keep track of their points. (That was a fun team building aspect to the game.)
2. Each home chef shared their immigration story briefly prior to us seeing the cooking demo and eating the food. There was so much food!
3. We also had blueberry tarts for dessert and a dessert from Iraq!
An Iraqi woman at whose table I was sitting told me that since her arrival in Canada, she has only gotten to know people in her apartment complex and that this was her first time meeting people beyond that circle! She was really excited about that.
At the event, we acknowledged that this event was supported and paid for by the Richmond Community Grant program. Even though this was only one evening, I think that the new connections that were made will help knit our community together. Bit by bit, one connection at a time, communities are built.

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