Discover enchanting world of watercolour :—–

In a sunlit corner of the Thompson Community Centre in Richmond, BC, a lively group of seniors came together, their animated conversations and the soft rustle of paper creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. They eagerly dive into the enchanting world of watercolour painting, their brushes dancing across the paper as they explore their artistic talents.

The workshop was designed not just to teach watercolour techniques but to provide a creative outlet and a space for shared experiences. For many, it was a welcome break from routine and an opportunity to explore a new hobby. Even those who hadn’t touched a paintbrush in years found themselves reminiscing about their school days, rediscovering a joyful part of their past.

Dolly with her bright turquoise hat and an ever-present smile, was eager to learn about blending colours. Catherine and her friend Jeanette were fascinated by the precision of watercolour techniques, and Carol with her warm laughter, was happy to be surrounded by friends.

 As the workshop facilitator, I was thrilled to see the diverse range of interests and backgrounds among the participants. My goal was to guide them gently through the basics of watercolour while encouraging their unique artistic voices.

We began with a simple exercise in colour mixing, where the seniors learned how to create a spectrum of hues using just a few primary colours. The room buzzed with excitement as they experimented with gradients and washes, their faces lighting up with each new discovery.

As the workshop came to a close, the room was filled with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. The seniors left with their watercolour creations in hand, their spirits lifted and their minds brimming with newfound inspiration. Watching the seniors immerse themselves in the enchanting world of watercolour was deeply gratifying. It reminded me of the power of creativity to connect people and uplift their spirits, no matter their age.

The watercolour workshop was more than just a class, it was a celebration of creativity and community. I am deeply grateful to the Vancouver Foundation, Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives, and Neighbourhood small grants for making this workshop a success. I left with a renewed appreciation for the artistic spirit that thrives at any age and a hope to continue offering such enriching experiences in the future.

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