This year we were very luck and received a Neighborhood Grant. As a result we were able to expand our block party and invite more neighbor’s. It was held on June 24th from 4 to 8 pm. It was a beautiful sunny day.
We went door to door and gave out flyers to promote the event. We also put up flyers and balloons and added it to our neighborhood facebook page.
We were very happy with the turn out. We rented a Giant Slide, had a fire truck come and gave out free hot dogs and Hamburgers. I would estimate we had about 50 adults and over 20 to 25 kids.
The kids laughed and really enjoyed the slide and the fire truck. The adults had a great time talking and laughing.
We are all looking forward to next year and hope the event will grow as more friends join. It was a great community event and really helped we all connect.

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