Food Security
What started off as one day showing others how to preserve and can food… has turned into 4 days! Yes, you heard that right!
I ended up having 25 people express an interest in learning the art of preserving food. So I extended it to 4 days, each day from 9am to 4pm with 6/7 guests each day – Friday, November 1, Saturday, November 2, Friday November 15 and Saturday November 16. We had a room of young moms to grandmas all sitting around my kitchen table peeling, cutting, and chopping all while I went over the basics of preserving our food by water bath and pressure canning. We made beef stew, chicken corn chowder, and Christmas jam. Everyone brought home some of each and some available to donate to local new moms.
I am so thankful for last years’ grant which covered the cost of a pressure canner, so along with a couple others provided to me for the day, we had 3 pressure canners working. The grant this year looked after the purchase of stewing beef, vegetables, and lunch. The canning jars were donated and anything else needed people brought or I supplied. So far it has been another great connection with neighbours, friends, and those interested in learning this almost forgotten skill. We will continue doing this and maybe next year I’ll have to rent a bigger space!
Thank you Neighbourhood Small Grants!