We got a grant just as COVID was causing us to shut down. Our original application didn’t meet the mandate, but we were generously given $100 for food. I wasn’t sure what to do with that as we were all isolating. I sat on it until we were allowed to get together again. On the first Halloween that we were isolated, our little cul-de-sac pulled out propane fire pits and sat at the ends of our driveways. We bought some fireworks. On the second Halloween after the shutdowns, we bought a lot of fireworks. A neighbour is a DJ and father of little kids and he dressed up and put on a light and sound show. We used the grant money to buy hotdogs and fixings. I love that the elderly neighbours came out, and the little children just naturally danced to the DJ. This night has become bigger and bigger over the years. Now the DJ provides a smoke show, and the fireworks are spectacular. We have neighbours who specifically go to be trained so the fireworks are safe.

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