Our Truro Drive Block Watch Group has not been able to have a gathering since the summer of 2019. This project included all of the 42 households on our blockwatch and over 100 individuals who live in those homes. COVID has restricted all of us to keep our distance and not gather in large groups. So I thought we could give everyone some Holiday Cheer by dropping by and giving them a Pointsettia or Holiday plant (for those who do not celebrate Christmas) for the holidays. Response was great and everyone appreciated the gift! Lots of happy faces as you can see in the photos. I received many messages after the delivery with people happy about the surprise holiday cheer. To top that, we also dropped off a chocolate treat to help bring in 2022. All in all it was a great project! Was awesome to see everyone and stay connected on our street. We also added new neighbours on our street to the Block Watch. We hope to have a street gathering in 2022 and reconnect with each other once again.
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