Our two part homemade salve workshop was a wonderful success! Its goal of transferring knowledge to fellow community members showing them how to make natural salves using local flora with beautiful healing properties was definitely achieved.
Walking by weeds now have a lot more appreciation, even awe inspiring knowing the benefits they possess. The response from participants met our hopes for this workshop – instilling confidence to make salves on their own, and passing their knowledge and salves to others and promoting the use of natural products to heal from various inflictions without chemicals, and made from the heart.
The two part workshop began with the first session at the beginning of summer to discuss plants and the plant infusion process together with the conditions we wished to address. The latter second session at the beginning of Fall, the participants brought their chosen plant infused oil for the salve making process. The lesson learned was unfortunately with the passing of time over the summer, not all original participants were able to attend the second workshop, even with the date provided at the beginning. That is my advice with organizing such a gap in between, or just the nature of multi-part workshops.
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