A grant from the Neighbourhood Small Grants made the building of this Lending Library possible as well as the support and generous in-kind donations from Ken Talbot and the Revelstoke Visual Arts and Community Wood Shop. We were able to access a pattern for the box and Ken was able to get all the cutting done in the wood shop. while I helped with the assembly, painting and installation. Utilizing the Community Wood Shop was a huge advantage as it has all the machines/tools needed for cutting the various pieces needed as well as things like staple guns, glue, screws, etc. Because of the in-kind donations of scrap material we were able to build not one, but two lending library boxes; the second one will be placed at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre at a future date. Both boxes will display a metal plaque that say’s,”Made possible by Community Foundation Grants and Revelstoke Visual Arts and Community Woodshop.”
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