The block watch party has been a tradition in our complex for many years. Every year, a few residents will gather to set up a great outdoor barbecue for all surrounding neighbours to join including neighbours from nearby complexes. This year was no exception. The party allows neighbours to get to know one another especially for those who are new to the neighbourhood.

Planning for the event started months ago by selecting a Project Lead to take on the task for this year. The Project Lead would task various neighbours with smaller tasks including who’s responsible for buying drinks, food, decoration, or simply time to help prep for the event. Once the tasks have been distributed, neighbours would begin spreading the word with other neighbours that a block watch party would be happening. News would usually spread like wildfire especially if it’s a free event with good food and good neighbours.

During the day of the event, homeowners with barbecues would bring it out to the laneway and start cooking for the masses. Not everyone shows up at once and people are free to come and go as they please. This year we had over 30 people show up throughout the day.

The party runs all evening and would end once we run out of food.

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