We had our 2nd annual NSG gathering on Kirkland Street in June 2024. Starting the day with a neighbourhood yard sale and later an NSG Block Party in the early evening. As Blockwatch Captain, I felt that the neighbours on my street needed to gather again and get more familiar with each other. So I distributed flyers and held a Zoom meeting to see if the neighbours would like to have another gathering on our block. There were 28 households invited to attend and all of them were delighted to receive the invitation. With email communication, the neighbours were excited and happy that we can get together a second time in our block. I had some challenges to find a way to hold our gathering in our neighbourhood for at least 65 people. Luckily, a neighbour was kind enough to give me a contact who works with the city and they were able to close off our street without cost for our NSG block party. My family and I had challenges with time to not only prepare signs, balloons, and items to sell for the yard sale but also organizing and planning the potluck dinner party and sourcing neighbours who have table, chairs, canopies and food. A neighbour stepped up and assisted with getting small funds from Safeway and Independent Grocer to cover some extra food costs for 60+ people. Other neighbours also assisted in help set up and serve food to the large group of people. I was so grateful of their generosity and their time.

The day of the gathering started with a successful morning yard sale.  Neighbours started the day visiting each other’s yards to chat and shop for treasures. Later that day, we had some challenges. There was a large event at Central Park and all the cars were starting to park up our entire street. We decided to close Kirkland Street earlier from oncoming traffic. With the street closed earlier, we were able to decorate the street with chalk drawings to make the neighbourhood more inviting and fun. As the afternoon went along, the clouds came rolling in. The weather was getting worse and a down pour of rain came just before our NSG dinner gathering. Luckily, the rain went away and just in time for our dinner. Some kind neighbours worked together to wipe down the wet tables and chairs. Everyone arrived to enjoy our wonderful dinner together. Connections were revisited and I felt people enjoyed the event.  We invited the Vancouver Fire Rescue to come and have a fire truck for the kids explore and ask questions to our city fire fighters. Unfortunately, Vancouver Fire Rescue was not able to attend due to heavy request of emergencies that day.  The kids enjoyed playing with street chalk, a little street hockey and some games. We also had door prizes given out which were generously donated from VPD Blockwatch and a few Kirkland Street neighbours. The Neighbourhood Small Grant allowed us to purchase food and some supplies to share.  I was amazed and learned how well we all came together and worked together. I learned that even though the event did not go according as planned, we did adapt to all the hurdles that day.

There were a couple of neighbours that did not participate but we hope that they can join us next time. Thank you Neighbourhood Small Grants for the opportunity to apply and receive this grant. Currently, neighbours are becoming more familiar with each other and we are happy that we don’t need to be strangers with each other.

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