False Creek Neighbourhood day was held for the first time on July 19th, 2014.  Our goals were to find and celebrate community spirit, establish our area’s name in people’s minds, and support local businesses. 
We initially came up with a flyer asking for volunteers, participants, sponsorship, and donations.  Most businsses in the area enthusiastically came on board.  A professional graphic artist designed a poster, card, banner etc.  We also did side walk chalk ads.    Most businesses whole heartedly participated (as the video shows).  Two businesses paid for the band, banners, insurance, etc.  Some restaurants and hair design places had special promotions or events in their own premises. Other businesses gave items for the lucky draw or had a booth to give out samples. Easy Park gave us their parking  location to have the main performance area. Art Knapp sponsored a kindness booth. Performers such as HUM, LeBlast, Albert Choi volunteered their services. People danced, listed to Sons of Granville, got face painting done,  had tasings [of pie, pizza, virgin mohitos, appetizers etc.], received flower plants from kindness booth, and possibly won an item in the lucky draw.  It was a happy afternoon.  
Three or four businesses that were to provide volunteers and water or games reneged last minute.  Also we did not have many volunteers from the neighbourhood to give directions to event locations.  This caused some hardship. We will have regulations in place for this not to happen next year. 
Overall the event was a success. People keep saying that they are looking forward to next year.

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