Thank NSG very much for providing financial support for our project named “Childhood Anecdotes” (its original name “recalling childhood funs”). It is implemented on Saturday, June 5, 2021 via ZOOM meeting.

Most of participants are seniors over 70 and some of them are over 80. Each of have different background, different experience and various hobbies. However, all of us have enjoyable days and memorable stories. In this event, we collected 19 articles about our individual childhood. The following is summary on our childhood stories.
In the morning and evening, the most memory is childhood. The impression of childhood is the eternal treasure in our heart, and it is also a nursery rhyme that tells us about our own past. What is presented in this essay is the childhood memory that spans more than half a century. The span in between is more than just Several gaps and the vicissitudes of more than half a century have left a distinctive mark of the times in our childhood stories. Childhood is a valuable asset.

Childhood is like a dream, and everyone’s dreams have different content. Because of the difference in the author’s childhood birth years, some are sweet, some may be bitter, some are happy, and some are confused, but no matter which category they belong to, Our childhood has a piece of pure land that belongs to us in the depths of our hearts, with an indelible mark. This time we recalled childhood activities, from May 4th to May 25th, the first “Mulberry Picking” by Teacher Li Liya. The perfect ending of Teacher Xu Baogai’s “Remembering Childhood, Hard and Happy Days” took 22 days. During this period, we received a chorus of children’s songs by Teacher Dongfang and Teacher Dongfang Yurui, and a solo song by Teacher Xu Suhuai. As well as the cooperative nursery rhyme singing video between Teacher Li Hongzhu and her little granddaughter, I received 19 good articles from 19 teachers, rich in content, rich in content, and each with their own merits.

Some went straight to the subject, some were bold and resolute, some were gentle and elegant, and very purposeful. Teacher Zhao Zhongming’s description of “trucking school” is true and vivid, with excellent poems and essays, with clear themes, clear levels, and a sense of reality. Some of the childhood stories of Zhao Jinnan, Zhang Cuirong, and Wang Yufu are based on time, and some are based on a trivial matter. The description is delicate and vivid, with a sense of rhythm, and can finally summarize the principles of life and work, which is very inspiring Sex. Teacher Li Liya’s “Mulberry Picking” is full of liveliness and joy, and the description is true and vivid. It is a good narrative with a concise and unobstructed tone. These childhood stories are all wonderfully described, and they are amazing and dizzying to read. What’s more difficult and commendable is that after each article is put into the group by the author, everyone will enthusiastically write serious, loyal, and responsible comments on the article. Although each comment varies in length, it is all from the bottom of the heart. The review written by is no less than a good review. It is remarkable and very touching, because the oldest of these writers is over 80 years old, and the youngest is 60 years old. They have been in the epidemic for a long time. Here, everyone uses this spirit to write nursery rhymes of immortality.

Recalling childhood is always clear and long. The childhood memories of different people in different eras are all written with an eternity. This is “innocence”, because innocence is the most valuable, just like the old man Bing Xin said, “childhood is the truth in dreams. The true dream is a tearful smile when remembering”! Childhood is a pencil. Even if you erase it with an eraser, it will still leave traces of what it has experienced. The traces left by childhood exist quietly, reminding us not to be copied, that is a time that is gone forever.

I have always believed that everyone has such a clean land deep in their hearts, planting their favorite crops, and hiding their most precious time. Whenever we set foot on this pure land, we will deeply feel this piece of land. The Pure Land is really quiet and quiet! Because it was created on the day when childhood had memories, life despite the four seasons of the year, spring breeze, summer rain, autumn secluded, and winter cold. However, this pure land in the depths of the soul is still there, and years can only add to the content. Childhood is the cicada on the tree, childhood is the frog in the water, childhood is the song of Mudi…

Just like the song “Childhood” sang, the banyan tree by the pond screamed summer, and on the swing by the playground, only butterflies stopped on it…day after day, year after year, Looking forward to growing up in childhood.

That was our childhood time that we have gone forever….
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