My project last June 5, 2023, was the Spring Espoir Soccer. The event was organized and held in the James Ardiel Elementary School field with the partnership of Espoir Soccer Canada for all elementary students to be active and healthy by participating in the activities after school. The Espoir Society Canada was offered to all families who cannot afford to send their children to any extracurricular activities. The Spring soccer game is every Monday for 8 weeks from 5 pm to 7 pm from Grade 1 to Grade 7. 

Volleyball is a new game that the Espoir Soccer Society introduced in the school, which is also free to all low-income and unemployed families. Forty-five participants, including athletes, parents, siblings, and Volunteer Coaches, attended my Espoir Spring Soccer project.
It was a very successful project, and I am proud of it. We all became connected to each other during the project event.

I am one of the parents who is very thankful and has so much appreciation for the school and all Volunteer Soccer Coaches for their kindness and dedication to teaching, supporting, moulding, and developing all the athletes who are involved in the Espoir Soccer Canada activities, which have been introduced to the students for them to be active after school, to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy, not to be involved in the gang and crimes, and be involved in the community.

That being said, as my way of showing support, appreciation, and a very big thanks to Espoir Soccer Canada. I communicated with Mrs. Kang, Principal of James Ardiel Elementary School, and Kuda, Espoir Soccer Canada Coordinator, to successfully do this project. I informed them about my community project, the Spring Espoir Soccer. Kuda and I spoke on the phone and communicated in the email as I promoted my project in the community for all the families of each athlete, the school, and the community. Kuda helped me to send all the emails to all the parents of the Spring Soccer athletes to promote my project last June 5/23. All the parents, athletes, Volunteer Coaches, and Kuda showed up at the James Ardiel Elementary School field to support my project. Everyone who attended my project was very happy and thankful and showed so much appreciation for the project that I made on the day of the graduation of all the athletes of the Spring Espoir Soccer. 

Everyone watched the Spring Espoir Soccer graduation, while each athlete received a medal sponsored by Tim Hortons. We all had fun, had good talks, and laughed after the game and during my project event. Also, all the parents, including myself, had an interview with Espoir Soccer Canada evaluator after the graduation about the benefits and help of Espoir Soccer Canada in the lives of our children and our involvement and participation in the community. It will be published in the newsletter as well as the website of Espoir Soccer Canada about our interviews, pictures, graduation, and my project. My son, Caye Enriquez-Quilantang, has ADHD and Unspecified Intellectual Development Disorder. He is one of the soccer players of Spring Espoir Canada. Seeing him involved in the Spring Espoir Soccer activity has so much improvement in his mental health and his physical well-being. Lastly, I will continue to be involved in the community and do a project to support Espoir Soccer Canada with all their free sports activities that they will bring and introduce yearly to the lives of all the elementary students.


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