If you walk around Southeast Vancouver, you may notice a lot of beautiful gardens. So many gardeners volunteer time, energy and money to create beautiful spaces for everyone to enjoy. Many are Green Street gardeners that work on City property, plus of course, many others have beautiful gardens on their residential property. I am one of those Green Street gardeners that garden on City property. On my many walks, I’ve spoken to numerous gardeners admiring their work. I decided it was high time to connect with the many gardeners I came across during my walks in SE Vancouver.

With funding from Neighbourhood Small Grants, I hosted a Gardeners Tea Party on June 25th with 15 gardeners. Along with each other’s company, we enjoyed sandwiches, pastries and a variety of teas. Everyone that attended received a grab bag to go which included two types of seeds. We had several prizes, including a beautiful gift basket donated by WestCoast Seeds and a book on Butterflies of British Columbia as well as plants, bulbs and more seeds that I had saved that everyone was welcome to take. The aim of the event was to share tips, resources and get to know other members of the community with a shared interest and generally provide support to each other. Many of us work in isolation, and the event was a great community builder as well as a source of inspiration. There is already talk of making this a yearly event. Thank you, Neighbourhood Small Grants!

Project Leader: Barbara Borchardt

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