We’re thrilled to share the details of another highly successful event in Imperial Drive, our Art in the Garden Neighbourhood Gettogether. Our neighbours gathered in the Spring, using funds from NSG to plant beautiful flower baskets in the pedestrian alleyway adjoining our cul de sac, as well as planting a successful vegetable garden too. We shared the harvest of herbs, potatoes and salad greens over the course of the summer and fall and invited passers-by to help themselves.
We gathered again in September to paint decorative stones with fun messages, and paint bird houses to hang in the alleyway. The area looks bright, clean and welcoming now. Our gathering continued over food and drink long into the evening, with some 50 people attending. We enjoyed catching up and getting to know new neighbours and are thrilled that the weather held out for us.
This party was a group effort wherein neighbours contributed food, helped organize the kids’ crafts and helped set up and dismantle the food stations. We are grateful for NSG for their continued support of our events and for the great work they do in bringing neighbourhoods and communities together!

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