We held the event on On December 17, 2023 at the Burnaby Public Library, McGill Branch. The event was puplicized by social media and posters, and received sign-ups by 18 families through online registration. 15 families was the pre-set limit and so 3 families were on waitlist.

Our guest host Florence is a registered speech-language pathologist. The day unfolded with fun story time, role-playing, and mass games, creating an atmosphere of warmth and connection among families. The families connected, shared stories, and celebrated the joy of learning. Story reading skills were fostered and we also created a memorable experienece for the attendees before Christmas:)

The shortfall of the event was that despite high no. of families registered, only 5 families showed up in the end. Reminders were sent before the event through email but we didn't get any advance notification from the 10 families for their absence. 3 families on the waitlist could have joined if we got communicated. So if similar activities are going to be organized in the future, text message or phone call could be utilized to ensure participation.
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