To promote and celebrate multiculturalism in Canada, the SVNH LEO club hosted a two hour Intercultural Festival on November 27, 2016. The event was held at the South Hill Neighborhood Center: an easily accessible location for everyone, including the seniors and the disabled. Tackling this project was not simple as we did not want people to just come, try samples, then leave. We were determined to provide a memorable experience by educating each guest about the different types of cultures present in our community and country.
The intercultural event included six different booths, with each representing, Canada, Vietnam, China, Burma, South Asia, and Middle East. Guests were able to sample various types of cultural food, such as maple syrup, Vietnamese subs, Rotis, Samosas, and many more. In addition, each booth also had multiple activities where guests can interactively learn about the different cultures. Some of the most popular activities were Chinese calligraphy, Vietnamese feather kicking, and henna. We also included raffle draws to encourage participation in the activities – with the grand prize being a Starbucks Tumbler!
To further expose the guests to the different cultures, we invited Chinese dancers and a guest speaker. The Chinese dancers, wearing embroidered Chinese dresses, were talented local students who were able to put on an amazing performance, leaving everyone in awe. As for the guest speaker, he shared his personal experience of growing up in Indonesia and having to adapt to the new and different lifestyle in Canada.
With a full house from beginning to end, the Intercultural event was notably a success. It is important for us to promote diversity not as a weakness, but as a proud aspect of Canadian culture. The Intercultural Festival allowed guests to understand and acknowledge the significance of each culture in a safe and friendly environment. We hope the guests left the event with an increased knowledge about the different cultures that surround them in the community and in Canada.

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