Looking for ways to engage the community under current restrictions is challenging. This is why I was hoping that the “Making a Calendar” project would help people get out into our scenic vistas and provide a feeling of being a part of something.

We advertised online on social media platforms and in the local newsletter. Photos came a plenty. I worked to offer spots for the more known prolific photographers in our little town. Photos came in all sorts of sizes and quality. There was always enthusiasm with every submission. As a coastline hamlet there are many points of interest but it was a challenge to ensure that the photos were as diverse in submissions as well as content.

Looking for someone to produce the calendars was a challenge as some businesses that offer this services were not able do it. Online was not an option as the prices for quality was not adequate.

Finally, a local company agreed to support the project at cost. We were able to provide 25 calendars on the funds provided by the grant.
Everyone that submitted a photo that was used received a calendar and the rest will be given out at the craft fair on a first come first serve basis.
It was a fun project that has been well received by the community. Many are asking if it is something that will continue year to year.
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