During the spring of 2021, I felt like people would benefit from an interactive experience to spend some time outside that was covid-safe, futuristic and plain ole fun. So I crafted a scavenger hunt adventure that included interactive murals all across our town, some old and some new, that were activated with animations, messages, secret messages and more when “scanned” with your phone. I utilized a few different things to make it all happen, spent time creating overlay animations on top of my murals, painted a few new murals, and created a small event where people could come and play as a “final level” which took place at our community art garden. I created a 4 piece puzzle and hid the pieces around the park and users could come to begin scanning all the art and follow a storyline about a rift in spacetime. Each mural or painting lead to the next and people gained and used items like keys to unlock the real-world puzzle pieces. Once they found them all they could assemble them and scan for the final message and a thank you for playing. It was quite fun! There were only a handful of participants as limits were in place but we did get to joyously surprise a few people who came to enjoy the garden by chance and I’ll tell ya they were thoroughly enthralled to suddenly stumble on this patchwork-futuristic Augmented Reality Experience. I learned a lot creating this and I’m excited to continue to evolve the idea, and I am so ever grateful that NSG provided me with the funds to make the showing happen, and allowed me this space to experiment with new mediums and contribute to the arts in my community. Thank you very very much!!
This project is best explained with video assistance, so here’s an edit I made of some of the views!
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