After seeing a lack of social and emotional connetion among some of the spanish ladies specially the ones who do not speak English or are still in the process of learning. I got the desire to provide them with some activities to bring them together, share their stories, provide tips to help dealing with stress and anxiety. I just loved the idea of bringing information, and also teaching them make their own blend of essential oils to have a relaxed time, to be use when they take a time alone in their busy lives. With the help of some of my friends and the Neighborhood Small Grant I was awarded; I was able to put together 20 kits including all the supplies to make their own blends and also extra to make more to share with other women they meet. Some comments from the ladies ” I had so much fun Im grateful for the opportunity to share with other people” , “Thank you very much NSG for funding this kind of activities which are informative and fun”
I was very rewarding to see all those women sharing, smiling, showing their products and just being Leaving the meetings with a big “Thank you for caring”
I love to be involved in the community and plan to continue doing it!
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