It was a bit tricky to think of a community project that would benefit everyone but still follow safety protocol for Covid. Several neighbours had been discussing the idea of a community lending library. With our public library initially closed during the pandemic and then with reduced hours and access, it seemed like the perfect time to start our own tiny library.

Once we had decided on the project the perfect spot became obvious. We decided to repurpose a poorly utilized space right beside the community mailboxes and adjacent to the garbage room where everyone in the neighbour hood passes by frequently so all could have access. This space is also protected from the elements with a roof overhang. It is accessible to everyone.

My husband did the plans and the majority of the construction for the project with a small amount of assistance from me. By keeping it to a one family project – it ensured we did not have any social distancing issues. We did have some design modifications to accommodate the metal strip beside the mail boxes which encroached on the frame of the library in our original design. The change was easy to make and the outcome suits our rustic mountain chalet decor.

The response to the library has been very positive. It is already well used by residents and visiting tenants too. We have had lots of enthusiastic responses to the library. We are appreciative of the grant and the benefit to our community.
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