Paper Mache Workshop at Daniel Woodward Elementary School

Date: October 27, Friday, 2023

Location: Daniel Woodward Elementary School

Organizers: Opal Chen and Daniel Woodward Elementary

Objective: To foster community connection and raise recycling awareness by creating Sturgeon sculptures with recycled materials, emphasizing sturgeon conservation.

Participants: Approximately 85 attendees, including students and homeschoolers.

Navigating the planning process was like orchestrating a symphony of tasks. To keep things on track, we utilized to create a timeline, ensuring we stayed organized throughout the workshop preparation. Originally, I crafted a poster using Google Sites but eventually switched to Canva for a more poster-like appearance. The promotion kicked off in July with the poster showcased at the Salmon Festival, spread through word of mouth among friends, and plastered across social media and the school premises.

Choosing a suitable date posed challenges due to the need to align with our school’s schedule. Coordinating with the school’s gym availability added an extra layer of complexity. Despite two in-person meetings, minor hiccups reminded us that, in event planning, the unexpected is always on the guest list. Plans to post the workshop on Eventbrite hit a snag due to school security concerns.

Event Overview:
The event commenced with a compelling presentation on recycling and the importance of sturgeon conservation. Daniel Woodward Elementary and I aimed not only to promote art with recycled materials but also to instill a sense of environmental responsibility.

Following the informative presentation, participants were divided into groups. One focused on applying newspaper strips to plastic bottles and cardboard, while the other painted a pre-made 6-foot paper mache sturgeon. The hands-on experience encouraged active engagement, nurturing teamwork, and environmental consciousness.

Provided snacks sustained energy levels and were well-received. Following the hands-on activities, an online survey gathered valuable feedback and reflections from the participants.

Survey Questions and Responses:

How was the presentation? Was it clear and educational?
Did well: The presentation was well-delivered and highly educational.
Could improve: Some suggested improving microphone volume and shortening the presentation, with a desire for more information on paper mache.

Do you like the snack options? What else can you suggest?
Did well: Snacks were deemed healthy.
Could improve: Some participants suggested more chocolate.

How was the hands-on experience? Were the instructions clear?
Did well: Participants appreciated the hands-on experience and found the instructions clear.

How was the overall experience?
Overall, the event was positively received, with participants expressing enjoyment in both the educational and creative aspects.

What could we improve next time?
Suggestions included increasing the microphone volume, shortening the presentation, offering more paper mache explanations, and organizing a more efficient snack distribution line.

Would you like to be contacted for future events?
Many participants expressed interest in being contacted for future events.

The Paper Mache Workshop at Daniel Woodward Elementary School emerged as a success, achieving its goals of community connection, recycling promotion, and sturgeon conservation awareness. Valuable feedback from the survey will guide future events, ensuring they better align with community preferences and expectations.

Photo Album Link:
Slideshow Link:
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