Ours is a close community, made stronger through spending time and connecting with neighbours in social interactions and gatherings, both indoors and out.

In the past year, keeping our sense of community has been a challenge. Knowing from the outset that we wouldn’t be able to get together in the same space, we set out with planning a virtual event, with the intent of making it as inclusive and accessible to the community as possible.

Working with a local artist, Janine Jones, a live virtual art class was planned and facilitated by Zoom. Art kits were prepared and dropped off in advance, following public health requirements.

The class project was an acrylic painting of a silhouette landscape. The project was chosen to be visually impactful in the virtual session, use techniques that could be explained and demonstrated without the necessity of hands-on interaction, and have minimal, simple set-up and supplies needs.

We had a great time following Janine’s instructions. The class was informative, casual, and interactive, with participants able to ask questions and also chat with each other. Participants found the experience relaxing and fun, felt comfortable sharing their own art pieces, and ideas for more classes or a community project like a mural were discussed at the wrap-up.

The class was recorded, both to allow participants to go back over what they learned in the class and to touch-up or recreate the artwork. Also, with extra kits on hand, neighbours who weren’t able to join the session will be able to participate by watching and following along with the video at their convenience.

We had a great evening and are appreciative of the NSG program, RCRG, and the Vancouver Foundation for making it possible!
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