On September 4, 2024, I was able to present a half-day exploration of the expansive heart of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. It is a tradition rooted in Peruvian curanderismo (healing arts) which emphasizes personal and planetary healing.  The Mesa tradition is an earth honoring contemplative practice which promotes nervous system regulation and “grounding” through an embodied understanding of interconnected relationships and gratitude. These concepts help to deepen connections with self, others, one’s community and with the natural world. The symbolism of the Mesa is an ancient antidote to modern day feelings of separation and isolation.

I had initially planned to offer the workshop in early June and to accept 11-20 participants.  I ended up unexpectedly undergoing surgery, so I needed to reschedule and scale back a bit. I enlisted the help of a friend, and we decided to limit the size to 12 to keep it manageable.  I also asked for preregistration as there was a fair bit of pre- workshop reading and items to bring. I constructed a small spreadsheet to keep track of numbers and communications. It  filled super rapidly with only minimal posting on Facebook and word of mouth. I have a list of almost as many who are hoping for a second round!

The participants were co-ed and included the age range from 17-65 with a wonderful diversity of backgrounds.  We had massage therapists, mountain/ski guides, yoga instructors, a farmer/forestry worker, a tree planter, a full-time mom, an early childhood educator, frontline care workers and a recent secondary school graduate. Most notably we were so fortunate and grateful to have a of woman of Métis Cree ancestry who was able to provide valuable insights and discussion around the similarities worldwide of indigenous earth honoring traditions.

This was such a profoundly rewarding experience on so many levels.  I was challenged to present the material as it is complex.   It took a large amount of time to prepare but ended up being a wonderful way for me to deepen my knowledge of the subject matter.  I had been hoping to instigate more opportunities for group contemplative/meditative practices here in Revelstoke and I feel like this was a great step in that direction.  According to Thich Nhat Hanh “The Next Buddha May Be a Sangha.”

The enthusiasm and diversity of the group was/is amazing.  I think that this experience provided common ground for community members to connect with those who might not have otherwise. I learned that creating connections is always time well spent- and, due to my injury – I learned yet again the importance of asking for help!  I am so grateful to my beloved teachers of this lineage at Star River Sanctuary, all the friends and family who helped me and to Neighborhood Small Grants which gave me the extra boost to make it happen.


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