What an event! We held our first annual Rocky Point Block Party yesterday June, 26th/2022, from 10 am to 4 pm. Throughout the day we had about 50-60 people come by and check out the festivities that we had planned. There was food being served throughout the day from our driveway, with a BBQ lunch hour that my husband Scott grilled up for us.

We also had live music playing back to back from a neighbours driveway, that ranged from a drumming circle, to an all out rock band. Another neighbour had a children’s area set up on her lawn with games, chalk, and bubbles. On the sidewalk her kids were selling their rainbow loom bracelets and icy cold treats by donation to the local playground.

The empty bottles/cans that we collected we donated to a local mom in need, and we were also joined by a new Ukranian family in the neighbourhood who got to meet lots of friendly faces.

The event was organized by a key group of 5 people, and the outsourcing from many neighbours of tents, chairs, plates, cups etc. It truly was a “community event”. The NSG’s grant really helped to make sure we had enough funds to feed everyone who came by, and keep the kiddos entertained while everyone had a great time. We had lots of feedback from folks who had lived here for years but only scratched the surface of meeting the people in the neighbourhood. Everyone is already looking forward to this event next year 🙂

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