We are very glad that we achieve more than what we have set out to do.
Chinese culture before Lunar New Year gathering together with abundant food and many people, for sure they would not feel lonely anymore.

We have more participants over 70 than we expected
No matter young or old all involved in the games, so much laughter and fun
Everyone has a small gift and enjoy the abundant food with many varieties
The atmosphere is full of energy and joy, volunteers mingle w the seniors so well
The seniors could involve themselves in the dance performance

There are a lot of surprises
More participants than what we expected
Besides the younger adult to be our volunteers, some seniors also volunteer themselves in kitchen to help preparation work
Some seniors could have dance performance

We could learn to use minimum budget to help most of the people
Try to find volunteer to cook to reduce cost
Try to buy simple gifts so that everyone could have gifts

Who came
More than 40 seniors
More than 20 younger adults as volunteers

My memorable moment
The laughters and fun games
Seniors’ appreciation for the food, very delicious, comforting and have good remembrance of the good moments when family comes together and celebrate for the New Year
Photo time, seniors are not alone, they are in a big big group

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