I want to thank Vancouver Foundation and Family Services of Greater Vancouver for entrusting us wit this project.
Quiero darle las gracias a Vancouver Fundation y a Family Services, por confiar en este proyecto.
This event was a product of great intentions. We made our best efforts to prepare for it. Me and the volunteers prepared food, plants, seeds and material for about 70 participants. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get to finalize our project as expected, the weather that day did not help.
Este evento fue un cumulo de buenas intenciones. Porque se hicieron los mejores esfuerzos para preparar el evento de la mejor forma. Preparamos comida, plantas, semillas y materas para 70 personas, pero desafortunadamente, no se lograron los objetivos esperados, por razones climaticas.
At the end only 15 community residents participated. They were happy to participate in this event and enjoyed from the food, the door prizes and plants we had prepared. (And what we have left, we were able to contribute at the NSG Summit).
Finalmente solo llegaron 15 personas, las cuales disfrutaron el evento de la mejor manera y estuvieron muy beneficiados, con los regalos, la comida, y las plantas que teniamos preparada. Bueno y las que le retornamos a Vancouver Foundation.
I want to thank the volunteers that helped me to look for some support from retailers, we want to thank RONA and Langley Farm Market for their donations.
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