2024 was the encore year of the highly popular and engaging ‘Steveston Bubbles’ project!

We built upon last year’s success of drawing people together with the simple idea of making giant bubbles. Not only did we meet in person, but we also built a vibrant online community, with the premise of sharing our photos, ideas, and having fun contests to build online engagement. Most people were able to join us for events but some people just loved watching the fun from home. We had hundreds more people attend our events this year, with far more online engagement, and with more people saying how much they appreciated having this event in our community.

We were thrilled to have so many people say how this impacted them- from stress-relief to the sheer joy they experienced watching bubbles and being part of something bigger than themselves. What we continue to love about this community-building project is the accessibility and inclusivity that bubbles provide, the welcoming environment it sets up, and the joy that it brings all ages.

Please check out our instagram account to get more information about our project: @stevestonbubbles.

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