We had a great project, despite miserable weather. And one of the young girls (11 years old) made this amazing video for our documentation. It has been shared with all the neighbours in the photos and everyone is ok with it being shared.

It was such a fun project, and we made 6 nest boxes with the money we received. It really was a great community effort. I found the nest box plans, another neighbour costed them out and figured out how many we could make and what supplies we needed, and another neighbour picked up the supplies, and a fourth neighbour hosted it in their garage.

More neighbours showed up with tents, tools, and tables. And then one of the neighbourhood kids did the video. Many adults and kids made a fun and successful event with no big organizing stress on anyone. Yay Team! The fun was partly that we combined it with our neighbourhood BBQ which may have gotten canceled due to the weather, but we carried on because we had an activity to do and had a great time.

Thank you to the NSG program for helping us provide alternate homes to flickers…we are hoping they use one of them next year and stop damaging homes. My box has had a bird investigating it! Hopefully, a flicker!

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